Payday 2 Review
понедельник 23 марта admin 88
Aug 13, 2013 You may not have guessed it from all the twisted clown smiles, but mowing down bystanders in Payday 2 is a no-no. Spilling innocent blood comes with a.
For those not versed in the psalms of Hoxton, Dallas, Wolf and Chains, Payday 2: Crimewave Edition is far from your average shooter. Sure, it’s in first-person and you do have plenty of boomsticks to your name, but the shootouts are merely a byproduct of being an armed robber. The real meat here is the minutia of the heist itself – cuffing guards and keeping civilians in check while your teammates place an industrial drill on the vault. Fixing the drill when it breaks; checking camera feeds for SWAT teams; bagging cash and carrying them to an escape van.
It’s the ultimate experiment in time management and co-operative play as you juggle the risk of transporting more moolah with the escalating police force attempting to stop you.Overkill plans to support the Crimewave Edition, along with the established PC version, for the next 16 months, so you can commit time to these illegal endeavors safe in the knowledge the game isn’t being forgotten by the developer. In fact the game ships with 50 updates, all of which bring it in line with the well-established PC version. Much like Mortal Kombat X and it’s movie-minded additions of Jason ‘ Friday The 13th’ Voorhees and the Predator from er, Predator, Payday 2: Crimewave Edition has its own nods to ‘popular culture’. Well I say ‘popular’ as you can now inexplicably select Keanu Reeves’ dog-loving/bullet-spraying hitman John Wick for a job (or have him join your crew as an AI partner). Another noticeable addition comes in weapon form: Lucille, the infamous barbed-wire wrapped baseball bat from The Walking Dead comics is now available in your melee loadout.
Yes, that Lucille.So what of that new-gen difference? The last-gen console versions were a pale imitation of their PC cousin when it came to visuals – both PS3 and Xbox 360 suffered from muddied textures and considerable pop-in.
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And while the new Crimewave Edition still isn’t quite as pretty as the one that’s still riding high in the land of the overclockers, it is a noticeable step up for consoles, even if the environments do look a little basic by modern standards.Pop-in is rarely an issue any more and the jump to 1080p does add a slickness the non-PC versions sorely lacked. Sadly, the game’s still locked at 30fps but this does mean there’s almost no slowdown to be found, even when the game is throwing a small country’s worth of coppers at you.

In an industry full of downgrade controversies and broken code, playing a game as solid as this feels like more of a revelation than it really should.For all those updates and promises of future heists, weapons and mask designs, the same problems inherent to the design of the game are still here two years on. The AI is much more reliable in a fight than it was back in 2013 (especially if you’re playing offline or with a mixture of human and AI teammates online), but remains utterly useless when it comes to completing objectives.They still follow your every move, drawing police attention as you sprint across the map fixing drills and throwing bags of cash every which way but where. As the strong arm of the law, that AI is just as poor – cops frog-walk into your line of fire, often sitting still long enough for you to kill your umpteenth lawmaker of the match.Despite the fact this is another entry in a long line of HD ports filling up the back catalogues of Xbox One and PS4, it’s still unlike anything else on current-gen consoles. Find the right team of players, learn the ins and outs of each location and keep your cool, and Payday becomes something GTA Online and Battlefield Hardline’s offerings only ever flirted with – an honest to God crime simulator.When you get into that criminal mindset, it really is something else.
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PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION is a refreshed version of 2013's Payday 2. This souped-up game includes the original game with improved visuals, new material (including new heists, weapons, armor, masks, and more) and previously released downloadable content (such as the 'Hotline Miami' and 'Diamond Heist' add-on packs).
Payday 2 is a cooperatively (co-op) centered first-person shooter that lets gamers don the masks of bank robbers who plan and execute epic bank heists and other criminal tasks in Washington, D.C. Though you can try to play stealthily, there are major shoot-outs with the police, FBI, SWAT teams, and rival gangs. Though it won't win any 'Best of' awards, and the potentially disturbing content won't make this game a parental pick, Payday 2: Crimewave Edition offers a lot of bang for the buck. It's not worth picking up if you already own the previous game, unless you really want to play it on newer consoles, and there are other issues, but it proves fairly fun when playing with online friends. There are new heists, such as 'The Big Bank,' 'The Butcher,' and 'The Dentist,' all of which are loaded with safe cracking, loot stealing, hostage taking, shooting, and vandalizing. There's also a new perk system and skill tree for greater character customization, a new pre-planning feature to prep strategies prior to missions, and nearly 100 weapons and almost 150 customizable masks. The co-op experience is gratifying, as is the progression/XP system and the healthy number of character slots to choose the right team for the job.
The game's music soundtrack also is worth noting.That said, there are assorted issues, such as graphical bugs - awkward character models, 'clipping' issues (where players can get half a character's body stuck in a wall or safe), and fallen enemies that seem to float in the air instead of fall to the ground. There also are some single-player A.I. Problems, where your computer-controlled teammates disregard the objectives and do whatever they want. But if you can overlook these issues and you're a fan of this genre, Payday 2: Crimewave Edition is a decent bank-robbing action game at a decent price; otherwise, this might not be right for you.