Lost Soul Aside Ps4 Games
четверг 12 марта admin 19
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People with a ps4 game, people who game usually like games, this is a game, i tought people arround here would like to see it. But hey, no need to be hostile, was expecting someone to comment something like that.
Sometime in late July, a mysterious game trailer started popping up all over my Facebook news feed. That game was Lost Soul Aside, made (and partially designed) by one man, Bing Yang. I'll link the trailer below, but it basically showcases how gorgeous Bing Yang's game actually is. Yang does claim that he had designed and modeled most of the assets you see, but since he's only working by himself, he, of course, bought some assets which you see in the background. However, the four characters we see (our main protagonist, his mini-dragon like thing that circles him, the first boss, and possibly the last boss?) as well as the enemies, were all designed and modeled by Bing Yang himself.
This is incredibly impressive, considering he's been working on it on his own for the past 2 years. It looks like the combat is incredibly fluent, and the layout of the map is absolutely incredible. Of course, he's been contacted by several big name companies, though he refuses to state who contacted him. I'm assuming this is because he doesn't want people to think he's choosing one company when he's really choosing the other, which I can totally respect.
It's always amazing seeing an extraordinarily talented individual get noticed by big name companies. I'll personally be following Ying Bang's Twitter for updates on the game.
I'll include pictures from his Twitter of concept art he's recently released as well below.
Ying Bang has previously stated that he's an artist more of a designer, but to me, this concept art looks amazing. Desert child game.
March 5, 2016Then they got on the journey to seek for the mysterious crystals with their own purposes.The game was inspired by a trailer forFinal Fantasy XV and that started Bing to make a game all by himself. Thetrailer got viral and that would land him a deal with Sony InteractiveEntertainment.The game was picked up as part of Sony’s China Hero Project and is in full development with a team at UltiZero Games. Back in 2016, Bing stated that the game will be a timed PlayStation 4 exclusive, but now that it is pat of the Sony Hero Project, it has become unclear if it is still a timed exclusive.Source.