The Very Organized Thief Christmas
четверг 09 апреля admin 26
Very Organized Thief. Casual 'Borrow' all things that's our organized hero got on list. This game is very simple but gives tons of fun! This game is very simple but gives tons of fun! Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies.
It's been a long time since we've last posted any news on IndieDB for The Very Organized Thief.Things have been happening. A lot of which we've been talking about in our and in on our website. So if your interested, feel free to go have a look.If you can't be bothered, here's a brief summary. TVOThief is in slow development, release date is unknown. More information on that in the future. We're working on new game, inspired by TVOThief.
Life things! Watch our for more detail.
More information in the months to come to do with a whole bunch of things.BUT TODAY!We’re currently running a survey that will help us understand what we can do with some of our upcoming game releases, and whether they might be a good idea or not. A lot of the questions you will see in the survey are related to things we may or may not do in the future, and is largely up in the air.Your answers will help us understand our audience a little better to determine the best direction to move in when finding support and funds. Knowing more about you will help us continue to create games, and other content, that everyone can enjoy.All information collected is anonymous and any personal details (such as gender and age) are optional and will be kept confidential.Your support by taking this survey will be greatly appreciated and will be contributing to the future of Redefinition Games.
Place of PrideRevendreth is made up of seven distinct districts, each presided over by a Harvester — powerful Venthyr who have upheld the ways of this place since creation to encourage spirits to repent for their past sins. World of warcraft news. Keep its location secret and do what you must to purge any vile thing etched upon it. Any misdeeds you’ve committed in life are inscribed upon this tombstone along with your true name. All souls who are sent to Revendreth receive a Sinstone. Those who are successfully reformed are presented with a choice: Return to Oribos to be sent on to another afterlife, or remain in Revendreth and become one of the Venthyr.